this is the 6th chinese new year we've spent here. today i met up with old friends at sisong's and weisong's house.....and it's the same topics. How it's been X years, how we were young and full of aspirations, how we worked hard, how 2005 was kind to us and how it was cruel. And time just streams by. And people come and go. And sometimes they stayed around for some time, and sometimes they leave, and sometimes they stick around forever. And sometimes time gushes like water from a dam, and there were laughter and booze, and pajama parties and surprises. And it also trickles like a spoilt tap, and there were unkind words and tears and periods of remission.
i have alot of time to spare these days. i've been reading alot of poetry after watching 'in her shoes'. this chick lit movie turned out to be better than i thought.....let me share one here.
(this is an interesting one...)
A Psychological Tip
Whenever you're called on to make up your mind,
and you're hampered by not having any,
the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find,
is simply by spinning a penny.
No - not so that chance shall decide the affair
while you're passively standing there moping;
but the moment the penny is up in the air,
you suddenly know what you're hoping
-- Piet Hein
hope you like that.
this is the 6th chinese new year we've spent here. today i met up with old friends at sisong's and weisong's house.....and it's the same topics. How it's been X years, how we were young and full of aspirations, how we worked hard, how 2005 was kind to us and how it was cruel. And time just streams by. And people come and go. And sometimes they stayed around for some time, and sometimes they leave, and sometimes they stick around forever. And sometimes time gushes like water from a dam, and there were laughter and booze, and pajama parties and surprises. And it also trickles like a spoilt tap, and there were unkind words and tears and periods of remission.
i have alot of time to spare these days. i've been reading alot of poetry after watching 'in her shoes'. this chick lit movie turned out to be better than i thought.....let me share one here.
這幾天我蠻空閒的,看了電影《偷穿高跟鞋》(In Her Shoes,英文原意是「處於她的環境、狀況」)之後我讀了好多詩,這部女性電影比我原本所想像的要好看……讓我在這裡分享一下。
(Leo Man按:燕姿所說的「chick lit movie」是從英美出版界最近幾年所流行的「chick lit」流派而來,請參考 http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/herald/2005-09/27/content_3549692.htm )
(this is an interesting one...)
A Psychological Tip
Whenever you're called on to make up your mind,
and you're hampered by not having any,
the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find,
is simply by spinning a penny.
No - not so that chance shall decide the affair
while you're passively standing there moping;
but the moment the penny is up in the air,
you suddenly know what you're hoping
-- Piet Hein
(Leo Man按:Piet Hein生於1905年,在1996年過世,是丹麥一位很有名的科學家、數學家、發明家、作者與詩人,相當多才多藝。有關他的生平請見 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Hein_(Denmark) ,想看他所寫下的全部55首詩,可以到 http://www.poemhunter.com/piet-hein/poems/poet-6706/page-1/ )
hope you like that.
(以上燕姿留言翻譯by 獅子座男子 Leo Man)