在刊出燕姿的英文原稿與翻譯之前,我想我有必要寫一段「導讀」,否則大部分人很難真正理解燕姿所寫的含意。這封信雖然是寫給歌迷們的感謝信,但燕姿是用「寫給自己」的方式寫的,而且是身為歌手的孫燕姿(Yanzi)寫給走下舞台、日常生活最自我的那個孫燕姿(Stef,也就是燕姿在The Moment電視特輯裡說的「我就只是孫燕姿而已」裡的那個燕姿)。就我所理解的(還沒有機會跟燕姿確認,但燕姿說我的翻譯正確度已經很高了,所以應該相差不遠),燕姿所想要傳達的,是這六年多以來,面對艱難的工作環境與環境的工作,真實的燕姿真的覺得很辛苦、很辛苦,也曾經想要放棄,也曾經不知道怎樣再堅持下去。但身為藝人的燕姿告訴真實的燕姿,成千上萬歌迷們熱情與無悔的支持,就是繼續堅持下去的理由與力量。在這台北演唱會即將舉辦的時刻,歌手的燕姿要真實的燕姿為歌迷們堅持下去,給大家最好的演唱會。
Dear Stef,
There are thousands of people there for you aren't there? They love you. You can hear it on stage amidst the reverberation, you can hear it when you pass them by, and you can see it in their hand written letters and see it in their twinkling eyes. And when you are upset they stand by you, when you are in a good mood they happily bask in that moment, and when the world seems to crumble at the seams they scurry to patch it up. Why's that? Why you?
What do you stand for Stef?
When you tether on whether to give up just because the rebellious streak is always there but ultimately, cave in to all that is expected and obligatory, when you think you should hold your head high but still lowered it to be in line with humility and decent manners. When you try and give but someone takes it away just because they can.
What do you stand for now?
This concert. It will be a tribute to all who shed light throughout. Who believed that even when it rains, we still stride forward, nothing in our way. It's yours. And everything that you stood for, everything that had meant something, will be there, that very moment. Do a good job ;)
Dear Stef,
當妳遇到不如意的事情時,妳也猶豫想放棄這一切,對很多人來說認輸是理所當然的。當妳意氣風發時,妳還是要保有謙卑有禮平易近人,當你認真付出一切時, 還是有人會不以為然……
Yan Zi
《燕姿英文原稿與Leo Man的中文對照翻譯版本》
Dear Stef,
There are thousands of people there for you aren't there? They love you. You can hear it on stage amidst the reverberation, you can hear it when you pass them by, and you can see it in their hand written letters and see it in their twinkling eyes. And when you are upset they stand by you, when you are in a good mood they happily bask in that moment, and when the world seems to crumble at the seams they scurry to patch it up. Why's that? Why you?
What do you stand for Stef?
When you tether on whether to give up just because the rebellious streak is always there but ultimately, cave in to all that is expected and obligatory, when you think you should hold your head high but still lowered it to be in line with humility and decent manners. When you try and give but someone takes it away just because they can.
What do you stand for now?
This concert. It will be a tribute to all who shed light throughout. Who believed that even when it rains, we still stride forward, nothing in our way. It's yours. And everything that you stood for, everything that had meant something, will be there, that very moment. Do a good job ;)
2006 The Moment台北演唱會,讓我們一起給燕姿最難忘的一刻吧
7月29日與30日的2006 The Moment台北演唱會,日後將會是燕姿與我們所擁有的共同記憶,讓我們一起給燕姿最難忘的一刻吧。
獅子座男子 Leo Man 敬上 2006.06.24
[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年06月25日 14时12分46秒 编辑过][/COLOR][/ALIGN] |