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孙燕姿回家开唱 8000粉丝与男友提早为她庆生

发表于 2009-7-15 19:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





  贴心的歌迷不忘她本月23日将过31岁生日,预备了庆生桥段,在她唱了新歌《愚人的国度》后,台下前排歌迷即高举显眼大部条,上面写着”9 years of loving you ain’t enough, how about forever?”,跟着现场大唱生日歌,场面温馨!


  回到新加坡,孙燕姿显然感到更自在,她在唱了《咕叽咕叽》后,突然转身以新加坡式英语说出”thank you, thank you”,还不时与台下歌迷互动。当她献唱《第一天》时,全场观众突然high起来,他们拿着布条看板,随着飙快的节奏原地跳了起来,还越跳越乐,掀起演唱会高潮!
  这次演唱会特别嘉宾是Nathan Hartono及孙燕姿称之为“恩师”的音乐老师陈彼得,虽然有别于台北演唱会的“大咖”蔡依林和杨宗纬,但却为演唱会注入了些许的本土味。



孙燕姿生日快乐 胡须男藏身粉丝同贺  

2009-07-13 陈于嫱/台北报导  




31岁孙燕姿唱回新加坡 怨庆生趴泄芳龄  







孙燕姿本地开唱 绚丽舞台引人注目

14 July 2009





由香港顶尖设计师Wing Shya所操刀,别出心裁的效果,犹如科幻电影场景,而美学大师张叔平的服装造型,更是让燕姿多年来首首动听的歌曲,有了新的诠释。





Shiny style, subdued Sun


Caption: Visually, she seemed determined to do away with the girl-next-door image that has endeared her to so many fans over the years. -- ST PHOTO: LAU FOOK KONG

STEFANIE Sun's much anticipated comeback concert after a two-year hiatus promised to deliver some answers about where she is headed in her career.

After 10 best-selling albums, the 30-year- old singer has cut herself loose from the record label system.

Visually, she seemed determined to do away with the girl-next-door image that has endeared her to so many fans over the years.

With Hong Kong's William Chang, best known for his production and costume design work on auteur Wong Kar Wai's films, as her image consultant, she treated the audience to a series of playful and whimsical get-ups.

She first appeared wearing a platinum blonde bob over a glittery golden outfit paired with knee-high boots. She was like a music-box ballerina twirling to Sleep-walk, from 2007's Against The Light album.

Read the full report in Monday's edition of The Straits Times, Life!.


Stef Sun, Singapore's Anita Mui


Caption:DAZZLING: Stefanie Sun’s gig was filled with glitter and bling, which wowed the crowd.

WHAT: The Answer Is... Stefanie Sun World Tour 2009

VENUE: Singapore Indoor Stadium


WHEN: Last Saturday, 8.30pm

HOME-GROWN singer Stefanie Sun's concert last Saturday was more so much more than just a triumphant return for the songstress, who has not performed here since 2006.

At her three-hour sold-out show, she dazzled with extravagant pyrotechnics as she danced, and had no fewer than seven costume changes, which included a glittery golden dress with a blonde bob wig and golden boots.

She bantered, too, with her dancers from Hong Kong and, at one point, asked her enraptured audience: "Do you want to shout Stefanie Sun, I love you?"

The entire stadium gleefully obliged, in a roar that was lifted from the 7,500 in attendance.

For one fan, 29-year-old engineer Dave Weng, who had attended Sun's last three concerts here, this performance showed that she has hit superstardom.

Describing the concert as "near-perfect", he said that "her stage presence has matured a lot from the last concert in 2006...and the glitter and bling made her look like Anita Mui".

Another fan, assistant manager Serene Ang, 28, gushed that Sun showed she was on a par with other big names like Zhang Hui Mei and Wang Lee Hom.

But, putting the glitz and glam aside, it was Sun's vocals that really made the night memorable.

It remained strong and unwavering during faster tunes like First Day and Green Light, which saw the crowd surging to its feet, with people frantically waving their lightsticks to the beat.

During slow ballads like I'm Not Upset and Encounter, her vocals were so haunting that the crowd was moved to sing woefully along.

Yes, Sun is definitely back, and better than ever.

Out of this world
By Goh Yun Ting, channelnewsasia.com | Posted: 13 July 2009 1210 hrs





SINGAPORE: Three years after her last local concert, homegrown songbird Stefanie Sun returned to the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Saturday, conjuring images and bringing the audience into a different universe with "The Answer Is 'Stefanie Sun World Tour 2009' ".

Before the concert, I'd heard about the spectacular special effects and stage design with nifty use of holography. And true enough, renowned stage art director William Chang did not disappoint.

The opening saw a hologram of a spiral-shaped tunnel that opened up to reveal Stefanie in all her majesty.

Looking like a cross between an Egyptian goddess and alien from some glitzy planet (in a good way of course), a light blonde Stefanie descended complete with a gold and gem-encrusted armour-suit dress to deliver heavenly tunes like "Sleepwalk", "Magical" and "Never-ending Dream", amid bursts of glittery, gold confetti and fireworks.

Other than the razzle-dazzle, Stefanie's strong vocals proved to be one of the reasons why everyone was transfixed.

And kudos to her Hong Kong dancers too!

The troopers donned in skin-tight costumes pranced like there was no tomorrow as they transformed into different characters, definitely hyping up the show, and even stealing some of the limelight along the way.

There was rarely a dull moment as the holograms did good work in bringing-up entrancing images and dances livened up the stage even during the slower numbers.

At most other concerts where the slow numbers see the artiste rooted to the same spot in song, having a 'distraction' definitely scored some points with me.

The eye candy continued when Stefanie returned to the stage in her second costume, looking very much like a delicious doll.

Wearing a pink, puffy dress with origami-like headgear, the singer revealed her cute side which was a refreshing change.

Accompanied by masked dancers dressed in white, Stefanie belted out tunes like "Fighting", "Can't Be Bothered", "Kuchi Kuchi" and "Same Species".

While Stefanie has a set of mighty vocals, it's well-known that she is no dancing diva.

However, the gung-ho Singapore export was determined to show her transformation and turned on the charm with a sultry rendition of "Unspoken Happiness" and some scorching dance moves on a table that rose up from the stage floor mid-way into the song.

The effort earned Stefanie plenty of appreciative whistles and cat-calls from die-hard fans.

But it was the song "First Day" with its groovy beats and encouragement from Stefanie that got the normally passive concert-goers to finally lift themselves off the seats.

The exceptionally long cheering that went on after the song got even Stefanie surprised, as she joked that the concert has not even ended yet.

The disappointment of the night was her choice of guest performers.

Following her Taiwan concert which saw guests such as Aska Yang, Jolin Tsai and Mayday's Ashin, the expectation was for a name-dropping appearance.

Unfortunately, it was practically toilet break when local jazz singer Nathan Hartono appeared to sing his rendition of "Moondance" and Stefanie's "Love Certificate".

The saving grace for the young lad - he is not a bad-looker and he can hold a tune.

The other guest performer for the night was local singer-songwriter Peter Tan, Stefanie's vocal teacher.

His appearance was probably Stefanie's way of saying thank you to him.

But for the fans, maybe it was a case of thanks, but no thanks.

Reappearing with another costume change, this time a red number with a weird tube-like outer jacket and gigantic flower perched on her head, Stefanie lifted into the air on a spiral-shaped “spaceship”.

Odd as it all sounds, that was truly the highlight of the concert in terms of music.

This was where the singer crooned soulful treats such as “I Don’t Love” and “What I Miss” while playing the keyboard in mid-air so poignantly, it gave me goosebumps.

It was a massive karaoke session for most part of the concert, especially when radio-friendly hits such as “Encounter” and “The Sky Is Dark” came on, helped along by lyrics flashed on the big screens, which was another plus point to the night’s event.

The concert lasting two-hours-and-45 minutes definitely held many surprises. It was amazing to see things popping out from beneath the stage and how everything just wasn’t what it seemed to be.

But of course, the highly-entertaining concert scored not only due to its breathtaking visual treats, but also the star herself – she was clearly in her element with her powerful vocals and infectious enthusiasm.

Undeniably, she deserves the title of Singapore’s very own national treasure.

- CNA/yt


孙燕姿“我回来了” 说明一切

日期: 13/07/2009 新闻来源: 我报 记者: 郑净友 摄像: 陈明财 剪辑: 张清汉 编导: 胡珂宁




拿捏得当 表现稳定孙燕姿歌唱表现如何?很好。从《我的爱》的高音、《累赘》的拉音到《风筝》的假音,都拿捏得当。更重要的是,不只是这些高难度演绎过关,孙燕姿在30首歌曲中的整体表现也稳定,甩开了4、5年前水准不一的现场演唱表现。





Nadim Van Der Ros

就不知道坐在台下观赏演出的男友Nadim Van Der Ros对于孙燕姿的“百变造型”有何看法?
照片由UnUsUaL Entertainments提供




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