[CRT][2001.07.14]Kite Concert(TVBS)
Download(418.90 MB, Real Media[.rm] Format):
[2001.07.14]Kite Concert(TVBS).rm (418.9 MB)
此為 ed2k P2P 下載方式﹐需要使用如 eMule(電驢)的客戶端軟件方能下載。使用方法請參考你所使用的客戶端軟件之使用說明。
This is ed2k P2P downloading method, ed2k client softwares such as eMule is required. For instructions please refer to your client software's manual.
1.這是外國地區保存的資源。 對於為什麼某些用戶不能下載(排除了語言障礙的情況下)﹐我不能答你﹗﹗ 因為每一個國家﹐地區﹐甚至網絡供應商的IP狀況(如限制和封鎖)都很不同﹗﹗ 如不能下載﹐請使用代理服務器或請他人分流﹗
This is the file hosted by foreign locations, your success on downloading(when the factor of the language barrier is obviated) is NOT guaranteed, as your network condition varies. If you are not able to download please use proxy server or ask someone who succeeds to assist you.
2. 請勿求資源﹐you watch what I serve. 寧願給人們驚喜﹐勝過為滿足持續不斷的需求而奔波﹗﹗
DO NOT request files from me-you watch what I serve. To nourish the people with surprises are superior to run back-and-forth to fulfil the requests.
3. YouSendIt/RapidShare/MegaUpload/Uploading/China Mofile/Badongo 太垃圾了﹐所以不需要勞煩我把檔案上傳到這些地方。
YouSendIt/RapidShare/MegaUpload/Uploading/China Mofile/Badongo sucks, so don't bother to ask me to upload files over there.
4. 不要問我把檔案用WinRAR "斬件“﹐因為它們都是"米田共"-在下載所有部份之前你永遠不知道它是否損壞。
Never ask for files in WinRAR Split-Archives because they are POS: you'll never know if they are corrupted or not.
5. 我不能保證我的電腦會 24/7/365 在線,如不能連線請稍後再試。
I cannot guarantee that my computer will stays online at 24/7/365, therefore I suggest that you come back and try again later before starts whining.
6. 以 Flash Video(.flv) 為基礎的影音共享服務(如 YouTube等) 並不是理想的資源共享平臺。它們的確是有點潛質但在目前技術還未發展成熟﹐所以不用說了。
Flash Video(.flv) format as used in YouTube or whatnot are not the ideal platforms to share Yanzimedias. They did show some potentials but not quite there yet, so quit asking about them.
7. 假如本帖所提供的連結果真的失效的話﹐它最終會予以修復但需要時間﹐請耐心等候-單靠上載姿源是無利可圖的。
If the provided link(s) does indeed invalid, it'll be fixed eventually but it takes time, so be patient- I can't make my living just by uploading Stefmedia files, afterall.
家族管理員/Moderator, Yan Zi Club
最高統帥/Supreme Commander, Yanzi's Covert Operation Command
管理員/Moderator, English discussion Board, 大陸燕窩
管理員/Moderator, 姿.撮影, MYYANZI Forum
管理員/Admin,版主/Moderator(Stefanie Media), SunYanZi.com International Fans Club
超級版主/Super Moderator ﹐林志玲下載﹐林志玲之家
帖子由无名小卒,2007-10-11 8:14:30编辑过 |