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孙燕姿最新博文 2011/02/08

发表于 2011-2-28 15:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
As I await the release of Number 11 with abated breath, I start to wonder how much of the past will come and smack me in the face.
4 O4 P$ t9 `) v9 _( J在我屏息期待第十一张个人专辑的发行的当儿,我开始在想过去有多少回忆会来羞辱我。
5 U  X2 i7 J/ i6 P* B8 M4 k' Q7 R
The promotion schedule's been lined up, some really exciting plans are in the works, Wonderful Music have warned me of tough days ahead.
. q! y" R* j% N8 }$ wTough. Days.! R; A. y: P8 Z
Ha.) V# `, j- J" o( D# \
宣传档期早已排满,一些当真令人兴奋的计划正在酝酿中,美妙音乐已经警告我前面的日子将会是辛苦的。& H% J+ E4 T1 V# x* G* s7 V
苦。日。字' L1 @* [; ^- ~7 U
哈哈。* `( k/ Q% ?, i' l9 v

+ a/ m8 e/ ?6 G& }: R# o5 U9 ZWill it perhaps require me standing in minus four degrees in a singlet with
7 o3 k7 ]5 `4 b* G! Tpelting ice? Or living in a glass box with cameras switched on 24/7 ala Truman
& k& v/ y" D/ Yshow? Explain to the world the monstrosity of a much publicised event? Or would 3 h5 f2 i  i$ r( d
it require the most painful fear of facing your acne in the mirror?. Q# m0 A' i6 R9 q( d$ V
, d8 m- R3 `8 {/ ^- J4 e+ @- t# Z! T: J& \+ |$ a( }
I recollect my past with some amusement. And a little twitch. But most of all I 1 ?* @: |7 |, `; _
feel so freaking grateful. 2 }, y2 l9 q' H9 L
' F& D  T! o: L7 ^- u
3 {; u4 ~+ ^" x1 RWhat a difference they have made. These testy events, these hard to swallow " f* G8 J  e% H# t
pills. In the words of Alanis Morisette (yea not a good choice, the album marked - y& f! A: K4 i; C" F
the end of her career), : b; D+ w$ s" {* l- b0 i: @) f# y  S  p
这些烦人的,难以令人接受的事情,造成了很大的分别。引用艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特(不是个好的选择,因为那张专辑是她生平最后一张)的歌词:# Q, `) s3 m: K1 M
" t2 v! w$ g* D1 o7 ]
"Thank you frailty
! G$ t; }7 p1 ~4 F2 I9 }1 p感谢你 我的脆弱。
) x" Y" K" t3 j0 E( wThank you consequence/ e2 I5 Z( A7 H
感谢你 代价。, d- e, C3 h5 }1 I
Thank you thank you silence."- K- f% E1 j0 d; F0 H. O0 u! w% n
更感谢你 沉默。
8 P% c/ o! [) \2 s) @) ]
! J  N' K( ?+ Q4 {6 E9 RAha, but I have another list to add:
- [  t) N/ p, g& h啊哈,但我还要加入:
, k/ p5 c* t) h  s+ Y8 g7 u" f
' ^8 Z- o9 n7 m- f5 {  Y) wThank YOU.
8 B$ Y9 Q/ _* J1 b! l7 l6 q谢谢 你。
4 D+ P8 N1 y# k! c7 `And him.
* G: k0 j8 v. k- b5 K& o9 b和他。9 E. x0 o5 J9 ?  I7 y( t" `" F
And her.* {, p9 ~6 Q( x3 j
和她。2 w% c! V( S* O9 r& J
And good cleanser.
# v8 k" Y5 k- d! w和好的洁肤霜。* Y; z( Q, E* V" S3 c

# C5 X2 y2 n9 x3 [' {
- N* Z8 s* t8 _4 |$ U. N# C% \And courage,.... there's also airconditioning, story books, love, N, katy perry, posturpedic beds, Jonah's questions, fertiliser, Barney Stinson, Kenn C, kind
% o5 @: D0 x6 h. T; Mwords, Miso, daily affirmation with Jessica, parents, Edward Sharpe and the
2 I/ B% \! x/ n# GMagnetic Zeros, Christian the Lion, Fiona Apple, fire trucks, Aomori Gymnasts blah blah blah blah ...
/ D7 a% u1 c( `, _* ~1 d$ A和勇气……还有空调、故事书、爱、N (纳叔?)、凯特佩里、 睡姿矫正的床、Jonah的问题、肥料、Barney Stinson (电视剧人物)、Kenn C(编曲人)、好话、味噌、杰西卡的每日座右铭(优tube上的红人)、父母、Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (摇滚团体)、狮子克里斯蒂安(优tube上人狮相拥的火红视频)、Fiona Apple (又一摇滚乐团)、救火车、日本青森体操团、神马神马的。。。。。。5 B( }. ^' o5 R
' M( ?- d/ k0 j- h: p
See it doesn't just end at silence. There are so many many many other things.  E4 p8 _) G; Z3 ~; j" c5 l; i
发表于 2011-3-8 11:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-3-10 10:30 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-3-20 14:47 | 显示全部楼层
if someone to go, i hope the one who's going to me, not u please.

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发表于 2011-12-25 10:02 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-29 13:07 | 显示全部楼层

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